Thursday, March 27, 2025


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Overseas investors in the Spanish buy-to-let property market are suffering a double blow, as not only are property prices plummeting in Spain, but now

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 |

In spite of the ‘hard times’ currently faced by the Spanish property market, with much talk of over inflated property prices, combined with increasing interest rates; new and established Spanish property owners are being offered a helping hand, to support them through increasing problems with affordability.

Several key mortgage products have been developed, offering high loan to values and interest only periods, some even with no early redemption penalties. - 21st August 2007 11:01
Spain's property prices show no signs of cooling -

In spite of Spain’s reputedly ‘cooling’ property market, statistics show that property prices in Spain are not coming down.
Spain's Little Britain -

The influx of British tourists and holiday homeowners in Spain is now putting investors off Spanish property according to research conductred by GE Money Home Lending. Spaniards succeed in campaign to prevent local development -

Spain’s large-scale property development has not only been criticised by environmental agencies for destroying its coastline, but has also caused tension between Spanish councils and residents, who claim that excessive construction is spoiling their villages and towns.Spain's overdevelopment causes irreversible environmental damage - Spanish coastlines are being destroyed by overbuilding, announces a report by Greenpeace on Tuesday, which blamed local councils in Spain for failing to protect the environment. Supply outstrips demand in Spain's property market -

According to a report by property consultants R.R de Acuña & Asociados, house price inflation will dive next year as Spain’s already struggling property market is swamped by an excess of one million properties.

Over the last 3 years the Spanish construction industry has been busy producing 300,000 properties more than the required number. Spain's tourism suffers threat of ETA terrorism -

Spanish police have been on high alert following the threat of a resurgence of violence from the militant Basque separatist group, ETA. Spanish mortgage broker arrested for illegal applications -

The Spanish property market has suffered another blow as mortgages for overseas property buyers have been suspended following the discovery of illegal broker practices. - Property owners in Spain face legal action -

Overseas investors in the Spanish buy-to-let property market are suffering a double blow, as not only are property prices plummeting in Spain, but now Spanish tourism and tax authorities are coming down hard on unlicensed properties and undeclared rental earnings.

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