Thursday, March 27, 2025


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Judah Binstock connection to corruption in Marbella

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 |

An address book with telephone Montaner, Judah Binstock Aki Kuj wing and Raneapino
Among the documents seized Juan Antonio Roca following his arrest in April 2003, shortly before entering custody and work in the summary of the case soqueol, provides a comprehensive phone book, with names of relevant world politics, entertainment and urban businesses. The name "Judah", in allusion to British tycoon of Jewish origin Judah Binstock, is repeated several times. agosto de 2003. The businessman Binstock as he puts his hand that moved the threads of censure against former Mayor Julian Munoz in August 2003. Binstock's relations with the former councilors of tripartite Marbella Isabel Garcia Marcos and Carlos Fernandez, personal friends of the tycoon, are well known and are already spoken former Cabinet chief of the tránsfuga PSOE, Binstock, one of the largest owners of land in Marbella and controversial winner of the casino Sevillian Mairena del Aljarafe has background for various offenses in the UK, and has among its members the lawyer Engelbert Schereiber. This is a practicing lawyer from an office opened in the tax haven of Liechtenstein and accused in the summary by the attacks of 11 September in New York, for his alleged involvement in money laundering for the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

. As regards the former adviser of Public Works of the Board of Andalusia and architect by profession, Jaime Montaner, on the agenda of Rock seized in 2002 appears both a fixed number as a motive. Montaner was the architect who drafted the joint Hotel Senator Marbella, as well as the building of 99 houses sealed by the operator. In just three days, the former adviser got the permission after personally requested his handwriting.. The telephone listing, nine pages extension manuscripts, also appears in t eléfono mobile "" Kujala, one of the major players involved in the White Whale summary of the case by the alleged money laundering. De hecho, la sociedad Royal Marbella States S.L.. Indeed, the Royal Society SL Marbella States. administrada por Kujala, firmó al menos un convenio con el Consistorio marbellí que le permitió edificar una promoción de viviendas de lujo, anexa al hotel Puente Remano, contraria al Plan General de Ordenación Urbana (PGOU) de 1986. Administered by Kujala, at least signed an agreement with the Consistory Marbella that enabled him to build a promotion of luxury homes, annexed to the hotel Bridge Remano, contrary to the General Urban Plan (PGOU) from 1986. Another recurring phone for Rock in its agenda is the well-known promoter Murcian Olive Thomas, also accused in the summary of the case Malaya. Nombres del mundo del José Asenjo. Names of the bull as the world's clever trianero Emilio Munoz, or farmers or Saturnino Buendía Ignacio Gonzalez Sanchez Dalp also have their place in the address book seized, in addition to the singer's Rancapino or "particular" the former deputy leader and socialist Jose Asenjo.

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