Thursday, March 27, 2025


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Judge Torres just locate in Switzerland a chest Security 2 million Swiss francs

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 |

Judge Torres just locate in Switzerland a chest Security 2 million Swiss francs (1.2 million euros) was in the name of one of the presumed front of Rock. Francisco Antonio Soriano Pastor, abogado de Roca encarcelado e imputado por el caso Malaya, al salir de Alhaurín viajó hasta Andorra donde supuestamente intentó vaciar varias cuentas corrientes con dinero de Roca. Francisco Antonio Soriano Shepherd, a lawyer from Rock imprisoned and accused by the Malaysian case, to leave Alhaurín traveled to Andorra where allegedly tried to empty several accounts with money from Roca. Fue el pasado mes de Agosto, cinco meses después de las primeras detenciones. It was last August, five months after the first arrests. El juez Torres esta convencido que estaba rescatando fondos para Roca. The judge is convinced that Torres was rescuing funds for Rock. Dispone de cuentas en Isla de Man, Suiza, Islas Caimán, o las Islas Vírgenes. There are accounts in the Isle of Man, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, or the Virgin Islands.

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