Thursday, March 27, 2025


Monday, October 11, 2010

Driver allowed to go after hitting six people outside Granada discotec with his van

Monday, October 11, 2010 |

Driver allowed to go after hitting six people outside Granada discotec with his van: "22 year old man who tested positive for alcohol after knocking down six people outside the El Tren discotheque in Granada on Sunday, has been released by police.

Local Police say the man was in the van with his girlfriend, and tested at 0.58 for alcohol, but the law only allows them to make an arrest when the level is 0.70. The legal limit in Spain is 0.25.
However the man says that he will be presenting his own denuncia claiming that the youngsters he hit beat him up round the head afterwards.

Two of the six people the driver hit, both of them women, were taken to the traumatology Hospital in Granada; they are not seriously hurt, but a 29 year old man remains admitted to the Clínico Hospital in the city, in a stable condition.

Reports indicate that there was a large conglomeration of people at the doors of the disco when it happened at 0730am on Sunday. Police have started a full investigation."

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