Friday, March 28, 2025


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Muslims in Spain Rise to Absurd Levels

Sunday, January 02, 2011 |

Muslims in Spain Rise to Absurd Levels: "Spain, during a class discussion of geography, the teacher noted that areas of Spain have the perfect climate for curing Spanish ham.  At that point a Muslim student in the class interrupted the teacher stating that even discussing ham offended his religious beliefs.  The teacher informed the student that he was not discussing religion, but simply used the mention of ham in reference to climate.

While this may have shut the Muslim student up in class, it did not keep him from informing his parents, who then turned around a sued the teacher for that they call 'abuse with xenophobic motivations.' [1]  This means 'hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture.' [2]

Essentially, the parents are accusing the teacher of a hate-crime, by abusing the young man because of the teacher's alleged fear of him.  I feel badly for the teacher and I'm quite sure that the suit will (hopefully) go nowhere.  The reality is that the more these incidences of stupidity occur, perpetrated by radical Muslims, the more the world will grow sick and tired of radical Muslims and their charades."

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