Thursday, March 27, 2025


Sunday, May 01, 2011

1,304 people have been admitted to drug treatment centres in the province of Almeria in the past year according to figures released in a report last week from the Andalusian Observatory on Drugs and Addictions.

Sunday, May 01, 2011 | ,

The figures show that the number of women being treated is much smaller than that of men. Of all admissions, 1,085 were male and just 219 female.
The same study indicates that 717 people attended the centers for ongoing addiction to illegal drugs, while 587 had problems with legal substances, 460 were alcohol related and 34 people sought help because of their addiction to cigarettes.
Treatment to prison inmates was administered in just 70 cases in Almeria,6 of whome were women. However, virtually all of these cases were as a result of addictions to illegal substances.
In fact, over 50% of people admitted to treatment in prison were heroin users, representing a much higher percentage of admissions for substance in the whole of the Network for the Care and Addiction Drug Addiction -19 , 3% -.
Meanwhile, treatment in prison for cocaine motivated represent over 33%. In addition, in 2010 increased the percentage of admissions caused by alcohol -7.1% - -2.6% and cannabis - substances that, although still a minority among the treatments in prison, increasing their presence.
The report also showed that 28 of those treated were minors although the Almeria figures were substantially less than in other provinces of Andalusia Cadiz reported with 101 cases, Córdoba  88 and 155 in Malaga, 5.2% of whom were foreigners.
Of the addictive substances requiring treatment, cannabis remains the drug of choice in 85% of cases, both amongst men and women with cocaine admissions dropping significantly, from 10% in 2009 to 4% this year.
Amongst men the majority of treatments are for cannabis, whilst among women there is more diversity in terms of drug use where, although cannabis is the most common, there is a greater proportional presence of cocaine.

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