Friday, July 15, 2011

MALAGA doctor has warned of a growing number of sexual assault cases in Puerto Marina (Benalmadena) involving date rape drugs

Friday, July 15, 2011 |

MALAGA doctor has warned of a growing number of sexual assault cases in Puerto Marina (Benalmadena) involving date rape drugs. Police recommend that people keep watch of their glasses when at bars and discos, and not accept anything from strangers.

At a conference at the headquarters of the Andalucia International University, drug addiction specialist Jose Manuel Burgos Moreno warned the drug Scopolamine, which causes submission and amnesia, is being used more and more at bars and clubs in the popular marina. Although traditionally the drug is administered via drinks, it can also be used in cigarettes, sweets, tissues, perfume and even bank notes.

When the effects wear off, the victim can’t remember anything and if she suspects foul play, after 12 to 24 hours it is

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