The Partido Popular has vetoed any appearances in Congress by anybody linked to Bankia. There were procedures open against the main managers of the bank and the still Governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez will no longer be able to explain the crisis to Congress. The veto was produced in the FROB emergency fund sub commission which met behind closed doors in Congress. At the end of the meeting the PSOE said it was their intention to attend no more such closed meetings which the PP want. Ex employment minister, Valeriano Gómez, said the Socialists wanted open and immediate declarations from the ex President of Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, the current President, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, and the Governor of the Bank of Spain, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez. Gómez said the PP was proposing ‘an immense fraud and they would not assist’. He said it was a farcical and a Mickey take. The CiU representative, Josep Sánchez Llibre, also expressed his objection to the PP attitude which he described as ‘hardly serious, hardly transparent and incoherent’. The PP veto means there will be no appearance from anybody in responsibility in Bankia or the Bank of Spain until at least after the summer.
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