Thursday, March 27, 2025


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another fake doctor discovered after working at two Alicante hospitals

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 |

Doctors from Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on HumansAnother fake doctor discovered after working at two Alicante hospitals: "Another case of a fake doctor working at a hospital in the Valencia Region has been confirmed by the regional councillor for health, Manuel Cervera.

Speaking to journalists in the corridors of the Valencia parliament on Monday, he said the person concerned had no direct contact with patients at the hospital in Sant Joan D’Alacant, but may have taken part in a clinical session or posed as a doctor on call.

Juan José Vicedo from the Alicante Medical Association told Europa Press that the fake doctor passed herself off as an intern until a resident reported his suspicions to the Association. It was then discovered that she had posed as a medical student at Alicante Hospital, using the identity card of a genuine student and substituting her own photograph.

It’s understood that two other cases in the province, at health centres in Dénia and Elche, are now with the courts."

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