Ecologists denounce the slaughter of some 200 deer
in Cádiz: "The Verdemar-Ecologistas en Acción organisation has denounced to the Environment Department of the Junta de Andalucía in Cádiz, what it says have been two illegal slaughters of deer on a publically owned estate at the La Almoraima finca in Castellar de la Frontera in Cádiz. The estate is owned by MARM, the Ministry for the Environment.
The ecologists claim the slaughter took place on the 15th and 29th of January and claim that 150 to 200 deer were slaughtered, many of them pregnant females. They also claim that the animals were fed just before the hunt, to ease their capture.
Verdemar is demanding that action be taken to start administrative procedures against those found to be responsible."
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